Registrations open for a seminar on research, development and innovation > Seville (Spain), 26-27 September


EURASHE will organise its second international research, development and innovation seminar on 26-27 September 2016 in Seville (Spain) with Foundation San Paul Andalusia CEU.


Applied research, development and innovation (RDI) conducted in universities of applied sciences (UAS) play an important role in enhancing European competitiveness and innovation capacity, especially on the regional level where institutions act as connectors and crucial links between SMEs, organisations and the society. In addition, RDI activities play an important role in developing students’ entrepreneurship skills and contribute to the graduates’ employability, creation of start-ups and economic growth.

The key themes of the seminar are two very central and defining concepts of applied RDI: student engagement and market-based research. During the seminar EURASHE wants to offer an overview of the current activities across Europe and also promote new ideas by presenting innovative examples on development work, e.g. use of crowdsourcing in applied RDI and development of professional PhD programmes. In addition, some good practical examples of real project work involving students and companies will be presented on both days.

The programme, information on speakers and practicalities are available and registrations are open.



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